Ideas are essential. MForesight brought the leading thinking about the future of manufacturing to people of different backgrounds, ages, and areas of interest. That’s why we produced not only detailed reports but also short blog posts and social media interactions.


A periodic publication of ideas from the manufacturing community. The goal of “Manufacturing Ideas to Watch” was to highlight research and new innovations that could have an impact on manufacturing processes or new products.


Our Tech Forecast series explored the likelihood that further investment in a particular technology opportunity or challenge will enhance U.S. manufacturing competitiveness. For the most promising topics, MForesight engaged experts and thought leaders to develop and disseminate recommendations for action in our deep dive reports.

1. Nanowire Assembly

2. Manufacturing Advanced Aerogels



• ASEE Prism Article: How to Rebuild U.S. Manufacturing. Read the opinion piece by Sridhar Kota, the Executive Director of MForesight, published in ASEE’s Prism magazine.

• July 31, 2018: GUEST POST: American Firms are Offshoring Innovation. Here’s How to Reverse the Trend by Executive Committee members Mike Russo, Pramod Khargonekar, and Glenn Daehn (Alliance for American Manufacturing Blog)

• January 22, 2018: America is outsourcing innovation, and we need to bring it back by Sridhar Kota, Executive Director & Justin Talbot-Zorn, Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications (The Hill)

• October 20, 2017: A plan for defending US manufacturers from cyberattacks by Sridhar Kota, Executive Director (The Hill)

• June 20, 2017: GUEST OPINION: Why America Needs a Manufacturing Strategy by Mike Russo, MForesight Leadership Council member (AAM blog)

• October 6, 2016: Rebuilding American Manufacturing: Memos to the Next President by Sridhar Kota, Executive Director (Following the 2016 MForesight National Summit, written statements from those who presented during the “Memos to the Next President” session were published as an op-ed in the Huffington Post)

• S. Kota, T. Mahoney, Invent Here, Manufacture Here, The Hill, 13 February 2022

• S. Kota, G. Daehn, “The Pandemic has Revealed the Cracks in the U.S. Manufacturing: Here’s How to Fix Them”, The

• S. Kota, T. Mahoney, “Loss of the Industrial Commons: An Existential Threat to U.S. Prosperity and National Security”, 2020 Conference on Policies To Improve the Competitiveness of US Manufacturing, Indiana University and the Hudson Institute.

• S. Kota, T. Mahoney, "Establishing a National Manufacturing Foundation”, Day One Project – State of Innovation 2020: Bold New Ideas for the Future, Jan 2020.

• Kota S., T. Mahoney, Innovation Should be Made in the U.S.A, Wall Street Journal, 2019

• S. Kota, Brain Drain – Is the U.S. Offshoring Innovation, Mechanical Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, October 2019

• Kota S., Mahoney T., Reinventing Competitiveness, American Affairs Journal, Summer 2019.

• S. Kota, J. Talbot-Zorn, T. Mahoney, How the U.S can Rebuild Its Capacity to Innovate, Harvard Business Review, Oct. 2018

• S. Kota Interview, Why the U.S. Needs a Bold Innovation Strategy, Smart Manufacturing, SME.

• S. Kota, How to rebuild U.S. Manufacturing, American Society for Engineering Education, Prism, Last Word, Sept 2018

• S. Kota, America is Outsourcing Innovation and We Need to Bring it Back, The Hill, Jan 2018.

• J. Talbot-Zorn, S. Kota, Universities Must Help Educate Woefully Uninformed Lawmakers, Wired Magazine

• S. Kota, J. Talbot-Zorn, Slightly Better iPhones will not fix the U.S. Economy, Forbes, Jan 2017

• S. Kota, J. Talbot-Zorn, Missing Link for American Manufacturing, The Hill

• S. Kota, J. Talbot-Zorn, Reimagining University Rankings, Huff Post

• S. Kota, Engineering 2.0: Rekindling American Ingenuity, Huff Post


Discover and read our handpicked manufacturing-related articles.

MForesight’s work was supported by the National Science Foundation from 2015 to 2020 under Grant No. 1552534 to the University of Michigan (Dr. Sridhar Kota).

Please note that any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Michigan.

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