Two working groups wereformed to help with specific aspects of MForesight’s work. These working groups were one way to bring together people from different parts of the manufacturing community to provide insights and develop informational documents.

The working groups were:

1. Education & Workforce

2. Emerging Technologies


The Education and Workforce Development working group identified workforce needs and best practices in education and workforce development at all levels. This group gathered data from employers, professional associations and trade organizations about their workplace needs and identified best practices worthy of replication/scaling, including hands-on design/build/test programs in K-12, field trips, apprenticeships, internships, partnerships between industry and community colleges, and undergraduate and graduate programs in advanced manufacturing. The working group’s report is available to download and read.

  • Emily Stover DeRocco (Chair) – Director, Workforce Development – Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT Manufacturing Innovation Institute); Director, National Network of Business & Industry Associations

  • Jan Bray – Bray Strategies

  • Maria Kniesler Flynn – Senior Vice President, Jobs for the Future (JFF)

  • Timothy V. Franklin – Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, New Jersey Innovation Institute

  • Jennifer Hagan-Dier – Director, Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership

  • J. Craig McAtee – Executive Director, National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers (NCATC)

  • Ryan Miller – Acting Director, Center for Manufacturing Excellence, University of Mississippi

  • Eileen Pickett – EPickett Consulting

  • Joel Simon – Senior Vice President, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)

  • Jim Woodell – Vice President, Innovation and Technology Policy, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU)


The Emerging Technologies working group was responsible for prioritizing gamechanger ideas for further investigation. The group comprised members from the Leadership Council and included both academic and industrial representatives. Per the group’s recommendations, selected technology topic(s) were studied and developed further through workshops.

  • Dave Parrillo – Dow Chemical

  • Christine Furstoss – GE

  • Kurt Bettenhausen – Siemens

  • Jeffrey Wilcox – Lockheed Martin

  • Donald Bretl – P&G

  • Daniel Walczyk – RPI

MForesight’s work was supported by the National Science Foundation from 2015 to 2020 under Grant No. 1552534 to the University of Michigan (Dr. Sridhar Kota).

Please note that any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Michigan.

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