The expert group identified a series of recommendations with potential to accelerate the prudent development of metamaterials:

1. Establish a coordinated multi-agency federal research initiative focused on technologies to scale metamaterial fabrication.

2. Leverage existing federal facilities and experts to accelerate and enhance metamaterials manufacturing innovation.

3. Use federal resources and partnerships to expand access to critical feedstocks, such as nanomaterials and substrates, to enable metamaterials manufacturing in practice.

4. Beyond government, create a new cross-sector advisory group to help ensure that metamaterials technologies take hold in U.S. manufacturing industry.

5. Create a National Center of Excellence to coordinate U.S. efforts and secure technological leadership in metamaterials manufacturing.


The real value of this work comes through the dissemination of the key recommendations identified by the advanced manufacturing community represented at the workshop. The report and summary were shared with public and private sector stakeholders. Specifically, MForesight published A Call to Action: Manufacturing Architected Materials in the Journal of Materials Research, hosted a panel discussion at the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, and highlighted the report in a briefing on Capitol Hill.

Report Briefing: Metamaterials Manufacturing

November 29, 2017

9:30 – 10:30 AM

Hynes, Level 2, The Hub Stage—Hall D

Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA

The event included a panel discussion with experts:

Julia R. Greer, California Institute of Technology

Clara Rivero-Baleine, Lockheed Martin

Chris Spadaccini, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lorenzo Valdevit, University of California, Irvine

Jim Watkins, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Capitol Hill Briefing: Next Generation Materials for Manufacturing Competitiveness

October 3, 2018

10:30 am

2020 Rayburn House Office Building

Hosted in conjunction with the House Manufacturing Caucus

Manufacturing is a cornerstone of the U.S. economy and it is imperative that U.S. manufacturing remains competitive and capitalize on areas for growth and innovation. Breakthroughs in new materials technologies are a critical component of the technological advances needed to bolster next generation manufacturing in the United States. Materials technologies are involved at every step within the manufacturing process chain from novel feedstocks to shaping technologies, to advanced sensors, and ultimately, to high performing products.

Driven by insights from the U.S. advanced manufacturing community, this briefing explored some of the most promising materials innovations that could enable the next wave of manufacturing technologies as highlighted in the report,
Harnessing Materials Innovations to Support Next Generation Manufacturing Technologies. The briefing highlighted two promising technologies, Metamaterials and High-Entropy Alloys, and explored pathways to support industrial competitiveness based on the collective voice of manufacturers, government agencies, and leading research institutions.

Speakers include:

1. Sridhar Kota, Executive Director,MForesight

  1. 2. Ed Herderick, Director of Additive, Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence,The Ohio State University

  1. 3. Chris Spadaccini, Director of the Center for Engineered Materials and Manufacturing,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

  1. 4. Dan Miracle, Chief Scientist (Acting), Air Force Office of Scientific Research,Air Force Research Laboratory



Dr. Bill Carter

Director, Sensors and Materials Laboratory

HRL Laboratories, LLC

Bill Carter is Director of the Sensors and Materials Laboratory at HRL Laboratories, LLC. He received his B.A. in Physics from the University of Colorado (1990) and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University (1997). He is author or co-author of over 40 refereed publications and 80 issued patents covering new materials and devices for automotive and aerospace applications.

His laboratory hosts a diverse R&D portfolio across new materials and structures for light-weight vehicles, specialty polymers and nanoscale coatings, physics-based battery diagnostics, MEMS-based position navigation and timing, and IR sensing technologies.


Dr. Chris Spadaccini (Chair)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr. Bernard Casse

PARC, a Xerox company

Dr. Clara Rivero-Baleine

Lockheed Martin

Dr. S.V. Sreenivasan

University of Texas-Austin

Mr. John Stetson

Lockheed Martin

Dr. Jim Watkins

University of Massachusetts-Amherst


The products we design and the performance they are capable of is limited by the materials we have available. Metamaterials are able to greatly expand the performance and combinations of properties that materials are capable of possessing, opening up a wealth of new opportunities. These advanced materials utilize an engineered micro-structure, rather than relying on chemistry alone, to provide properties and performance not found in bulk materials. The micro-structure is an arranged repeating pattern that is designed at the micro- to nano-scale. Metamaterials can exhibit extraordinary mechanical, acoustic, optical, radio, and surface properties. These materials have the potential to greatly benefit aerospace, defense, medical instrumentation, biomedical, optics, sensing, telecommunication, robotics, and an array of other industry sectors.

The understanding of metamaterials has rapidly advanced, with modeling, simulation, design tools, and basic science providing the underlying technology to develop a wealth of designs with an array of interesting and useful properties. The technical appeal of metamaterials is unquestioned; the challenge is in creating a way of mass producing these advanced materials quickly and affordably. The U.S. has a global lead in metamaterial startups, and the federal government has invested in this technology through academia, the military, and federal labs. Many lab-scale prototypes have been created that are small, and use a slow and expensive process; scalable manufacturing is what is missing.

MForesight is partnering with Dr. Chris Spadaccini from Lawrence Livermore National Labs to lead a workshop exploring the challenges and opportunities for metamaterials manufacturing methods across the full range of metamaterials. MForesight workshops bring together experts from industry, academia, and government to develop recommendations for public and private stakeholders in the areas of research and development priorities, technology implementation challenges, and related policies. A report outlining the workshop findings and recommendations will be prepared in collaboration with the expert participants from the manufacturing community and disseminated with the goal of advancing U.S. competitiveness in metamaterials manufacturing.

Workshop Agenda


MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2017

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Welcome Reception

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

7:30 AM – 8:00 AM

Breakfast / Check-In

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Welcome and Introductions

8:30 AM – 8:45 AM

Meeting Focus and Scope

8:45 AM – 9:15 AM

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bill Carter, HRL Laboratories

9:15 AM – 9:30 AM


9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Breakout Session: Identify Key Challenges to Scalable Metamaterials Manufacturing by Function

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM


10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

Breakout Session: Identify Key Challenges to Scalable Metamaterials Manufacturing by Manufacturing Method

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM


1:00 PM – 1:45 PM

Report Outs and Group Discussion

1:45 PM – 2:00 PM

Overview of Actionable Recommendations

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Breakout Sessions: Solutions and Recommendations

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM


4:15 PM – 5:00 PM

Group Discussion of Key Actionable Items

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Networking Reception


Naamah Argaman – New Business Development, Applied Materials

Joshua Ballard – Director of Atomically Precise Manufacturing, Zyvex Labs

Steve Brueck – Distinguished Professor, Emeritus, University of New Mexico

Bill Carter – Director, Sensors and Materials Laboratory, HRL Laboratories, LLC

Tom Driscoll – Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Echodyne

Eric Gardner – Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, Moxtek

Julia R. Greer – Professor, California Institute of Technology

Kevin Geary – Apertures Dept. Mgr. of Advanced Electromagnetics, HRL Laboratories, LLC

Michael Haberman – Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin

Jonathan Hopkins – Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles

Michael Klug – VP Advanced Photonics, Magic Leap, Inc.

Ed Kinzel – Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Bruce Kramer – Senior Advisor, National Science Foundation

Henri Lezec – NIST Fellow, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST

Alex Liddle – Group Leader, Nanofabrication Research, NIST

Erik Lier – Senior Technical Fellow, Lockheed Martin

John Main – Program Manager, DARPA

Antti Makinen – Program Officer, Office of Naval Research

Blake Marshall – Technology Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Office, Department of Energy

Theresa Mayer – Vice President for Research and Innovation, Virginia Tech

Geoff McKnight – Manager, Adaptive Structures, HRL Laboratories, LLC

Michael Molnar – Director, Office of Advanced Manufacturing, NIST

Brigid Mullany – Associate Program Director, National Science Foundation

Niru Nahar – Research Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University

Jim Nelson – Division Scientist, 3M

Gregory Orris – Head of Acoustic Signal Processing and Systems Branch, Naval Research Laboratory

Bogdan Popa – Assistant Professor, University of Michigan

David Peters – Principal Member of Technical Staff, Sandia National Labs

Clara Rivero-Baleine – Mechanical Engineer Senior Staff, Lockheed Martin

Charles Rohde – Research Physicist, Naval Research Laboratory

Sridhar Seetharama – Senior Technical Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy

Ryan Sekol – Senior Researcher, General Motors Research & Development

Kubilay Sertel – Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University

Chris Spadaccini – Director of the Center for Engineered Materials and Manufacturing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

S.V. Sreenivasan – Professor, The University of Texas at Austin

Karl Stensvad – Research Specialist, 3MTom Tombs – Program Director, Eastman Kodak Company

Augustine Urbas – Research Physicist, Air Force Research Lab

Gerald Uyeno – Senior Engineering Fellow, Raytheon

Lorenzo Valdevit – Director, Institute for Design and Manufacturing Innovation, University of California Irvine

Jason Valentine – Associate Professor, Vanderbilt UniversityJohn Vericella – Materials Scientist, Autodesk

Andrey Vyatskikh – Graduate Student, California Institute of TechnologyJim Watkins – Professor, University of Massachusetts

Alan Wineman – Professor, University of Michigan

Martin Wolk – Lead Research Specialist, 3M

MForesight’s work was supported by the National Science Foundation from 2015 to 2020 under Grant No. 1552534 to the University of Michigan (Dr. Sridhar Kota).

Please note that any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Michigan.

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